Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Eric Alan Woo - 18 years old

So it began...

Ah, the first post in this online journal, or any journal for that matter. Now I can whine and complain about anything... not that I don't anyway.

So graduation is in 11 hours. I've got my suit ready, shirt, pants, tie, that annoying little handkerchief that goes in the pocket. Got some money for aftergrad in the wallet, all my tickets... I think I'm so prepared that I'm going to forget something.
I haven't cut my belt to fit yet... I guess I don't want to wreck it, seeing as it cost me "three bills" as John ("Boss" haha) would put it.

I'm the tenth last person to walk the stage tomorrow, and yet I still have to get up bloody early and wait for everyone else. Atleast I'm not last like Laura hehe. I'm still amazed that twelve years has already gone by. Damn that was fast.

I can't wait to see everyone all fancied up for the banquet and dance. I just hope I can remember how to dance. lol. Hrm... I forgot to talk to Mrs. Couture about the finishing touches to my toast to the parents. Whatever, we'll see what happens. I can't wait to present it.

Aftergrad is gonna be a riot. Perhaps some more "shaft and muff" stories. ;)

Anyway, this is probably boring shit to anyone else reading this.



Anonymous Anonymous said...



Thu May 27, 02:29:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Mon May 31, 04:04:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHAFT AND MUFF!! Happy birthday man I'm sure that tasted good, ur shaft was hard to hold on to tho! Damnit you gota stop getting all that white stuff all over the place!! Haha Loved your toast at grad man even people at camping were talking about it.. And I bet you can guess who this is from ;)
*Miss Muff*

Mon May 31, 04:04:00 AM EDT  

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