Thursday, June 15, 2006

sense make no rolexfake erection!


So I was in my email and I realized that spam nowadays makes absolutely no sense. This latest one I got has the subject, "BuyWatch AtCheap" which to me sounds like cheap watches, right?

Here's what it had to say:
immediate along love black break? convenient latter yours meeting dark address? thank bought light inside. captain person bread opposite. winter opposite number nothing too surely.
CLICKHTML [which was a link to God knows what]

likely not advantage bad besides purpose. supposedto opposite profession.

What the hell? Now really. I think spam would work better if it were atleast decent looking. Perhaps make it all a picture that is one big link, that way it gets around the word filters most email servers have.

And one more time for a laugh: sense make no rolexfake erection!


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