Saturday, May 29, 2004

I'd do that again and again...

Still amazed at how much fun I had. It's been years since I've had that much fun, if I have at all. Who knows what's going to top that. I'm just amazed nothing really dampened the whole experience...

Anyway, just got back from Justin's and Banana Jak's. Good ol' DDR. Starting to get worried about the amount of homework I have to do this weekend. I sure hope I don't have to work on Sunday or else the only time I have to work would be before going to Jeff's tomorrow for dinner or before/after the shift I might get Sunday.

My brother got a Game 4 Stanley Cup ticket (Tampa Bay at Calgary incase you're not following :P) which is on Monday. Section 306A, Row GA7, Seat 147. Too bad it's only one ticket, it would have been so awesome to go together but that's so nice of him to give it to me. Hrm... I'm gonna need to buy a Flames shirt. I wonder who else I know has tickets to Game 4 and where they're sitting... Man that game's gonna' friggin' rule.

*sigh* The whole grad experience... that's something I'd like to be able to live over and over again...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, buy me a Fames shirt too, on Sunday or something. Heh heh :)


Sat May 29, 04:40:00 PM EDT  

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