Monday, June 14, 2004

Calculus is oooovvverrr!

Hurrah! Let the people rejoice! :P

Wrote the Math 31 final today in last period, plus an hour afterschool. I didn't think it was going to be easy but not too hard. Well, it was bloody impossible. That was by far the hardest test we have had all year, infact, it was the second hardest math test I have ever done in my life (next to the Euclid Math Competition... still haven't gotten those results yet).

Grrr.... Thankfully it's only worth 20% so even if I get a 60% on it I'll still have around 86. Hrmm...

100% = 94.4%
75% = 89.4%
50% = 84.4%
25% = 79.4%

Heh, I guess not much to worry about.

Check out the poll on the right side (scroll down a bit). Once I can edit my profile (maintenance issues) I'll put the post up there. If you want, list some suggestions on the comment of what you'd like to see polled (if anyone out there reads this) plus how often you want it changed.


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