Friday, June 11, 2004

Memory Lane

So I was talking to Robyn W., also from Fort McMurray and it just clicked that, hey, she probably went to school with some of my old classmates. Turns out she did. Boy did the memories flood back. I just want to go back and visit everything, from my school, my old house, the tennis courts, the field behind Mrs. Hansford's house, the open fields between the houses (which probably aren't there anymore *tear*), the "ghetto library" haha. Shit, I just want to see everything again. I want to see what's still the same, what's different. I want to walk from my house to my school again, find the spot where my brother's friend stomped on the pudding and it splashed all over him, walk the paths we had in the forest across the street on field trips, see the playground again...

Oh how I miss Fort Mac. I've lost contact with all my old friends and I haven't been back ever since I left...

Sigh... I will go back, hopefully before I move out East. I will go back...


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