Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Working for bacon.

About 27 days to go until I'm done exams. So much sooner than a normal term, and less time to study seeing as my exams are pretty much a week or less after the last class [although I only have two classes...]. Hopefully I can pull my overall average up.

Jessica is back! It's great to have her back in Waterloo. So far we've spent a lot of time at her Grandma's house where I'm not starving to death/trying to watch two fuzzy TV channels/trying to avoid bugs in the house etc. or we've been at one of her many relatives place's and swimming in their pools [well, more like wading around because I can't swim :P]. It's been getting warmer here lately so pools are awesome. Jessica has just started her job though so the weekdays will be work for both of us, her for pay, I for school. I gotta start getting up earlier though so when Jessica gets off work I won't just be getting out of bed. lol Not to mention next term it's back to the 8:30 AM classes... it feels like ages since I ever had one of those.

Next term doesn't looke like a fun one, nor does it look like an average booster. It looks like Bio, Bio, Bio, (Bio)chem, and an Optom course that Optometry students and Biomedical students can take. It's an intro course to background and history etc. so nothing fancy yet. Which brings me to the Optometry Admissions Test. I have all of August to study for it if I wish to take it sometime soon, however, my average is just under 75%, the minimum needed to apply to UW Optometry. After these spring courses it could be pushed just into 75% but it's not even close to a guaranteed in [not much is]. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I could study anyway, just to keep the knowledge from slipping away [as if it already hasn't] and decide to take it or not. Problem is also that each time you take the OAT, your results are kept even if you take it again, no matter if you improve or decline.

It's looking tough, and kind of a slim chance at the moment. Gotta keep pushing.


Blogger Justin said...

I wish I had a pool. Although I would probably bring my computer to it. Or it to my computer. A laptop would be handy, methinks.

Study like you're in the HJ.

Wed Jul 05, 04:08:00 AM EDT  

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