Wednesday, June 16, 2004


*drum roll*

Calculus final test mark iiiisssss..... 55% *roar of the crowd*

So that brought my 93% in-class average down to a 85%. :P Seven percent drop, ah well. I tried, not to mention I don't need the class, it's still Honours, and it's definitely not one of my worst marks. [hoorah Social! (80%)]
If I come out of grade 12 with nothing under 80% I'll crap my pants in joy. My only class that I've ever had come out undr 80% was Physics 30. I took it in second semester of grade 11 :P. I went into the diploma (back then only one test, no Part A or B) with an 86% and came out with a 79%. I got 72% on the diploma... and 79% is just one percent under Honours. Grr. I'm pretty sure I'll be adding two more classes to the non-honours list though. [English 30-1 (83%) and Social 30 (80% with the 0.7% boost from Mrs. Lloyd, thanks!)]

Ahh! Chemistry 30 Part A (written) tommorrow morning! Back to studying.


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