Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Living woes

Work, work, work, and then the occassional break to do something else, then back to work. Seems like midterms, assignments and labs just take up all the time now. Halloween was a day of 10:30AM-9:00PM classes/lab so it wasn't too exciting. Jessica and I dropped by Jason, Greg, and Andrea's place way south of campus. It's a sweet place, it was Andrea's grandfather's and also her older sister lives there too.

I need to find another place for next year. I just can't seem to stand living in this basement anymore. At first I was extremely disappointed in my decision but it got a little better the more settled in I got. Now it's back to wanting to live somewhere else. Somewhere cleaner, maybe closer if possible. My dream idea was to live in a single/bachelor apartment, to be specific the big apartment complex next to UW Place... but turns out the single rooms are about $900/month utilities included and unfurnished. So the hunt is on again. It would be easier if I knew some people to live with because then it's much cheaper, but the idea is so I don't have to live with anyone else. Also, it would be a lot nicer if I lived close to Jessica, that way with schoolwork and just in general it's not as big of a hassle to go to each other's places. Espescially if we're working on something and I forget something at my place, it's just so far to go pick something up, etc. etc. yadda yadda.

UW Place, UW's upper year residences don't seem too bad. They're newly renovated so their pretty clean but the rooms are tiny as hell, smaller than in Village 1, my first year residence. Of course, they're furnished and literally a two minute walk to campus but you have to live with 1-3 other people. Sure that sounds nicer than my 7 other people I live with now but atleast I sort of know them and it's pretty much just Colin and I in the basement living together.

Along with living with randoms in UW Place, I would have to use whatever they brought for kitchenware etc. I'm not going to go buy all brand new stuff just for other people to use. Frankly I want a place for myself so I can start accumulating things I "need for life" I suppose you can say.

Then comes the issue of summers. I need a place I can stay in the summer but I also would need something to do, like a job etc. Of course my jobs are limited to distance. No car, no bike, shitty bus service, expensive taxi's, little experience, etc. It all builds up.

It would be nice to whittle down the list of things that get in the way of general living. Things like a car would make parts of living just that much easier. Or perhaps a decent place I can look forward to coming home to. Perhaps the prospect of a summer job, etc. It just goes on and on.

Atleast I'm luckier than lots of others. I must admit I'm pretty well off and frankly many others have more to complain about than I do, but by that I mean students in debt, people living under the poverty line, people with disabilities, etc. Not just the "situation X sucks in my life" kind of things. Sure I could whine about my marks or lack of learning ability [which believe me, I do], but this post just isn't for that.

Perhaps another one will be... I guarantee it.

Back to work...


Blogger Justin said...

Is your basement really that bad? What gets you baout it?

rofl... guaranteed 'eh... without the caps.

Thu Nov 03, 09:12:00 PM EST  

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