Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Today was an interesting day to say the least... although my tardiness may have gotten the best of it. I guess I'll just have to see...


So my parents visited. I got a haircut. Back to the normal Woostyles. I just don't think I can do the Emostyles. I get too emo... and it's annoying to maintain.

I've found a spot on the porch where I can get internet without it cutting out, so that's a plus.

All in all, as an overview of life in Waterloo so far. It seems like I'm as you would say, "Trapped in a glass case of emotion." I noticed that I seemed to be snappy to my parents the whole time they were here... I don't even know why. Also my sleeping doesn't seem to be very good, but yet I still seem to be able to stay up in class... although this is just the beginning. Also my appetite is non-existant. I seem to be able to satisfy myself with little amounts of food. I don't get it.

Perhaps going to school is a big shock to the system. I'm sure I just need time to level things out. I feel as though I'm stressed already but I shouldn't be.

Anyway, I should sleep.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Allow yourself some time to adjust to new surroundings and a new schedual. I'm sure you'll even out.

Wed Sep 14, 03:35:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Expressions said...

sleep sleep is good lol ya its a shocker to go back to school im only on my 3rd day back and already im tired as hell hate everything and everyone lol its a big adjustment stress levels are high for everyone i feel your pain! hopefully it gets better!

Wed Sep 14, 04:07:00 PM EDT  
Blogger iWoo said...

A late comment... but my observation upon reflecting on my own tendency to be snappy with the 'rents; I think perhaps they are not growing up, while we are, if that makes sense. Well, we are all mature (well, maybe two of three) now, and we're still being treated a bit like we were younger. I find myself a little annoyed at a lot of things that I used to take for granted. Then again, I think our parents are experiencing the same with each other... lots of insignificant little things causing conflict. It's dumb, but I catch myself getting worked up about nothing too. It's best to try to remain levelheaded. Mature, right? Right.

Tue Oct 04, 02:15:00 AM EDT  

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