Saturday, September 03, 2005

uh... Root Beer.

I suppose this is the new style in the Life of Woo³. I've only tried it out for three days now and so far I've gotten good reviews. To me it's still taking awhile for myself to get used to. It's simple and easier to maintain and also less cutting [still gone without paying for a haircut ever in my life]. The reactions I get are either something like it's nice, funky, better, or "You need a haircut." That was the first thing my dad had told me when he had gotten home from a business trip, although I had just gotten up out of bed.

Alright, let's see.

Monday I woke up early and headed over to Vanessa's abode where Mrs. McConnell fixed us up a smashingly delicious brunch. The oh so famous Mrs. McConnell pancakes, bacon, hash browns, sausages, and even sliced strawberries and cream. It was amazing, as always. Thanks to Vanessa's mom.

Then I went to work.

Tuesday I woke up early again and got picked up by Laura and Steph and we headed to Red Lobster on 16th. My Red Lobster virginity was broken. It was Shrimply Tuesday so I ordered 45 shrimp for like 17.99... and a "Alotta Coloda" due to peer pressure. Yeah... so the name should have clued me in but it didn't until I got this massive drink that was, as you would all assume, too much for me. ;)

Then I went to work. lol

This was no ordinary day though. I was training someone. It was a good day at work.

Wednesday I woke up at a normal time [2:30ish] and...
...went to work. My last day of work. I slacked off a little but I put in my fair share of work. I'm glad to be done work to just chill out for a bit. Sadly, no more income therefore the "you-thought-Eric-Woo-was-cheap" is out and the "I-can't-believe-someone-can-be-that-cheap" Eric is back. Dickie got back that day and told Jeff and I all about the polygraph that he passed. Congratulations Dickie. [He wants to become a police officer and a polygraph is part of the application process.]

Thursday I woke up at... you know, not having to work I don't even pay attention what time it is. Sooner or later I headed down to The Roadhouse with Vanessa, Diana, a guy named Scott that is like, Vanessa's sister's best friend's son... whatever, he's a cool guy, and Andrea, Vanessa's friend, also a cool person. Scott came from Vernon, B.C., so he'd never experienced a "big" city or a nightclub... or a tunnel. lol.

Anyways, we had lots of fun, as Diana promised me. :( That was our last time at the bar together. Diana's actually from out East, and by that I mean the Atlantic provinces, not just Ontario or... I suppose Quebec, so I don't know when we'll see her again. :( I'll miss you!

Let's see, what else. Oh right. So I ordered my cellphone. If you had read my previous post all about the phones I was looking at blah blah blah - I chose none of those. I found a deal online through a Canadian company called They work together with the Canadian Federation of Students to hook students up with deals. So basically, if I, and I did, order a LG 2000 with a Fido Agreement [once again I chose the Fido to Fido anywhere in Canada yaddayadda.] I will get a 512mb iPod Shuffle for free. Also, because I am a student, I get a discount on my phone bill. This discount is given to me in the form of 12 months free Caller ID and Voice Messaging [$8/month]. The downside is I have to wait for my phone to be shipped and also for the iPod to be shipped [which takes even longer. :P] and I don't get to choose from a list of phone numbers but only suggest three to see if they can get me. [Hopefully! I suggested 3966 = EWoo, 9663 = Woo3, and 3742 = Eric which I most likely won't get.] I chose a crappy time to order it. Monday is a holiday so my phone is probably sitting somewhere in Calgary waiting to be delivered on a business day. I can't wait.

Anyways, that's about all for now. Four days left.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eri Swoo! i miss you already and you haven't even left for school yet!

Sat Sep 03, 01:54:00 PM EDT  
Blogger E said...

lol Mike. I don't even know what that's in relation to but I know you're just jealous because you can't get with this prime piece of ass.

Sun Sep 04, 11:58:00 PM EDT  

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