Sunday, August 21, 2005

Web Logging [yes, actual Blogging.]

So I was bored and playing around with Google and I came across this website:
The University of Waterloo Service Tunnels
I of course find this quite interesting. Students and even my Don [well, she also falls under a student] had heard rumours of tunnels that led all across campus to every building. There's a map of the tunnels that the guy, Matthias Wandel, made. It marks interesting observations such as clear pipes under the biology building, "greenman's" rooms where they stay [the custodians wear green jumpsuits], models and old plans of buildings before they were built, and even a radiation bunker. Looking at the map it brings back the times when I was walking through campus during the winter after a light snowfall and certain parts of the ground would have absolutely no snow. They always were straight, very linear patches of melted snow. Comparing those spots I can see they actually are where the service tunnels were which just makes it more intriguing. At the same time, I also think about when Mat and I would go around with our residence keys and "pick" the locks on the buildings. We never could get the service doors open but now I know where they would have brought us.

I also thought this page, by the same author was interesting:
The mysterious farm on the Univeristy of Waterloo north campus
Basically just about a farm that suddenly disappeared and nothing ever changed in the area for years. Basically just a road was planned to be built, the University had some involvement in it and voila, demolished.

A link on Wandel's site also brought me to an old internet meme, or internet phenomenon [things that get famous by spread through the internet]. First of all, the story is apparently mostly made up and somethings are exaggerated. Basically it's a story of a lady that rides through the "dead zone" in Europe, the area affected by the Chernobyl disaster, on her motorcycle. The photos are real [which is disturbing] but apparently like I said before her story, such as being able to ride through on a motorcycle and having special permissions to go to certain places, are false. Nonetheless a very interesting read: Ghost Town
Note: The link "Elena revisits Chernobyl is mainly the same as the link "beginning" but with some different pictures.

My "favourite" photo is of the Chernobyl reactor that is now covered in the concrete "sarcophagus". Oh and also, apparently you can take a guided tour through the "dead zone" and actually see Chernobyl-4. Apparently you can go through pretty safely, just you can't eat stuff etc. lol

Some more photos by David McMillan of the University of Manitoba here

An interesting topic.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Awesome post. Leaves me with a eerie feeling.

Sun Aug 21, 03:29:00 PM EDT  

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