Tuesday, August 09, 2005


To tell you the truth I just was bored and slapped the guns down in a kind of homage to one of my highschool art projects. Then I didn't know what to do or what kind of statement I wanted to make. So I made some sort of morbid story. It makes you think two kids are playing Cops and Robbers and it turns out the gun isn't a toy. But then the last line makes you think he knows it's not a toy... Atleast that's what I was thinking when I made it up. But anyway, I don't really know what subject/statement I want to make with this image or what else to do with my little/no knowledge of Photoshop. Suggestions are welcome.


Blogger Gumbi said...

What made you choose a glock?

Tue Aug 09, 08:12:00 PM EDT  

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