Monday, August 08, 2005

She's so drunk!

A good day. Started the day off at 11AM. Picked up Kev at 12:30 and Dan after to head to New Dynasty for all you can eat buffet. Dan won, but his prize won't be fun. Mmm, buffet. After that we headed to my place to watch Season Two of The Chapelle Show but it turned out there was no Xbox and also no cables to connect to my TV for my computer. So instead we watched Boondock Saints on the monitor. We headed to Joey's for dessert and to see how Jeff was doing after his night out last night [see previous post]. We then went to Super, bought some "Hangover Relief" pills and gave them too him.

After driving around like tourists, we picked up Kate and headed to Nott's to play some free pool. A very welcomed guest dropped in while we were there. Darryl Sutter. That's right. His visit turned our already terrible pool game into just plain crap. Especially with Dickie being as giddy as a schoolgirl. [Oh, and if you don't know who Darryl Sutter is, perhaps you were asleep last summer.]

Sarah dropped by and after a few more games we headed up to the theatre to watch The Dukes of Hazzard. Much better than I thought it was going to be. Quite funny. Now I just wish I had an old muscle car to bag the shit out of on dirt roads. So after the movie and many minutes of awkward silence in the parking lot, Kev came up with watching Shaun of the Dead at Sarah's. Man that's a hilarious movie. I suggest all should see it.

Anyway, all in all a sweet day. I good end to my two consecutive days off. I was called to see if I could take a shift but I of course declined, afterall, it seems like I work hard and people just want to get me fired, so fuck them.

That's all for now.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Yea you guys were a great table to serve.

Me: What do you want to drink?

Dickie: A Double Gin and sprite, Please

Me: Fuck you man

Dickie, Kev, Eric: Girlish laughter

Mon Aug 08, 08:43:00 PM EDT  
Blogger *Monica said...

Shawn of the Dead was a riot, I think there should be a sequel.

Tue Aug 09, 09:40:00 AM EDT  
Blogger E said...

Indeed there should.

Tue Aug 09, 02:50:00 PM EDT  

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