Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fish and chips and vinegar, vinegar...

So it's my first day off out of the amazing two consecutive days off I've ever had since I've started work. I got up early compared to what time I normally get up at [12:30 instead of 2:30] which was nice. Didn't really get to do anything although I did research on cell phone plans and my dad decided he would rather pay for a cell phone plan than two phone lines I would rarely use [house in Waterloo]. This way works out much nicer for us as I'm going with Fido's Fido to Fido anywhere in Canada plan. Free local and long distance calls to anyone on Fido with unlimited evenings and weekends [7PM to 8AM] all for $30 a month. And I'll have my phone with me everywhere whenever my family needs to get in touch etc. Also I just can't wait to get a cell phone. It was also a good day for my brother. My dad ordered a Canon Rebel XT for him so he should be getting that sometime soon. I'm trying to get a Sony DSC-W5 or whatever it's called.

Anyway, so after killing some time downloading and listening to music I was roasting my ass off in the room so I decided to hop in the shower. As I'm getting out I hear the phone so I book my half naked ass out and answer it. Sarah tells me the guys are at Bugaboo Pub. We haven't been there in ages.

So Sarah picks me up and we head down there. Kevate [the inseperable Kevin and Kate (also known as German Girl)], Jeff, and Dickie where there. Rob and Paul were off somewhere. So fast forward a few minutes, Sarah and I deciding who wants to drink and who wants to drive, some accidental touching of Dickie and some definitely innappropriate touching of Sarah we all decided to settle the tab. Drunk people sure can't count. After the ten minutes it took to get out the door, and another five just to get in the appropriate cars, we all headed home. Our car didn't get two minutes away from Bug's. Had to stop on a bridge just incase Paul decided to meet his lunch. Then we pulled in quickly into Safeway's parking lot in Dalhousie. Dickie met back up with us as he was on Crowchild heading to drop Kate off after dropping Rob off. Paul and Jeff were having a great time out the back seat doors. They weren't just drunk, they were puking and passing out; not a pretty site. Dickie got them some water, I got some napkins for them to wipe their own mucus up with. We sang some songs, did a little dancing to pass time as they passed out.

So after awhile, or a few hours, whatever you prefer, we drove back, dropped a much improved Paul off and then headed to Jeff's. Let's just say Jeff had no sense of depth perception, his balance was almost completely shot, and getting up didn't help his stomach.

Hope you all had fun. I know I did. [I did at the bar, the singing was fun, and so was the driving, just because it's not my car. However... the sitting around just waiting for people to sober up in the cold, not too fun.] Hope everyone got home safe and sound.

And for tomorrow, all you can eat at The New Dynasty with Kev and Dickie and perhaps some others... we'll see.


Blogger *Monica said...

I am officially old. I had this exact same night ten years ago. Identical.

Sun Aug 07, 06:31:00 AM EDT  

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