Monday, July 11, 2005


So Dan, Jeff, Kevin, and I all bought ourselves black felt cowboy hats for the Stampede. We all pretty much say that for ten days of the year, we wear cowboy hats as Calgarians because it's our duty. And plus with a full time job it's not that bad. About four hours of work and it's paid for. Plus it's just so much more fun.

So Dan, Kev, and I picked up Kate, one of Kevin's co-workers neighbour's cousin or something like that. Either way, she came along, she's a cool person. We headed down, watched the hypnotist a bit, walked the midway, played a few games, rode some rides that Dickie did not want to ride at all. Good ol' bumper cars was always fun though. lol oh yeah, they aren't go karts. haha

At 9:30 we watched Hot Hot Heat play until 11 or so and then like everyone else, headed to the Beer Garden's. After that we tried to get into the Casino but they wouldn't accept Jeff's Firearm's licence because under the Alberta Gaming and Lottory Commission or something they don't accept it as a primary ID. So we didn't want to leave him alone, as much as some of us wanted to gamble lol. So it was about 1:30 by the time we decided to head out, of course not before Jeff and I scarfed down some cotton candy.

Our goal of course was to get to a bar or liquor store before 2AM but it just wasn't doable. So we walked from Dalhousie station to Dickie's apartment where he drove us to Mike's and we played pool, watched Much and just chilled out before we all headed home.

All in all a very excellent and fun day. Now off to get ready for the work week.


Blogger Gumbi said...


Tue Jul 12, 06:29:00 AM EDT  

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