Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I wonder if there's a reason behind everything that happens in one's life. All the good, all the bad.

When you fuck up is it some way of nature or God punishing you for something? Why is it that at one instance everything is never fine. Why can't everything go right but everything can go wrong?

Why is it that I've fucked up so much. Why do I ruin everything that is good...

I am lost. I don't know what to do with myself anymore... everything is just so different.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no offence, but nature, or God has nothing to do with bad and good stuff, its all about what you do, the steps u take the lead up to the events that happen. BUT if u do wanna believe in sumthing that u can blame bad things on karma, so the only thing u can really blame is urself

Tue Sep 13, 02:32:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Jess said...

Everything happens for a reason, you just have to figure out why they happened. Things can't all be bad, there's got to be something good happening right now, look on the bright side, the only way to go is up.


Tue Sep 13, 10:25:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Justin said...

One of my theories was that religion was just a bases for explaining what couldn't be explained, more specifically, something for people to put the blame on when there is noone to blame, or when they themselves are the ones to blame.

No offence to religious people, but having to "revere" and "fear" God's or dieties of some sort is basically blaming God's for things that were out of your control. Not being able to accept things as they are, demanding to see the reason behind something with no reason. God is such a convenient excuse.

Wed Sep 14, 03:32:00 AM EDT  

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