Saturday, March 11, 2006

1986 Buick Century Limited AKA "Lead Sled"

On a tragic March Wednesday, someone crossed infront of the beloved Lead Sled. Only twenty years young with just under 80K clicks, the car that broke my driving virginity clings on to its life in a municipal lot awaiting it's fate. The once sleek and shiny hood that was protected by it's snug car bra is now crumpled and disfigured; no longer shining it's bright lights.

The Lead Sled and I, along with it's many friends, enjoyed the company they had at every hour of the day through sun, snow, and rain. It's power steering, power locks, and power windows that never faltered, the transmission a little jumpy, and the alignment slightly to the right... will be missed. However, this is not the end yet.

Those of us that have had the luxury of riding the Lead Sled, enjoying it's felt seats and the pleasant smell of the twenty year old air fresheners, give thought to the Lead Sled in it's time of need. Wish the Lead Sled a chance to roll along the roads of Calgary and Canada once more.

I hope to see you again, Lead Sled. I never got to say goodbye.


Blogger Gumbi said...

In the times that i remember i have spent with the Lead Sled will always be fond. Taking me from the lawn of Pizza Hut to home in luxury, bobsleding down to Mike's house. Drunk or sober the Lead Sled was one sweet ride.


Sat Mar 11, 10:58:00 PM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

That post made me sadder than hearing news of thousands of people dying on TV, Goddammit. The initial shock of the MSN conversation just didn't ring through.

I remember my first ride in the lead sled. We were young, Eric was driving somewhere, and I was along for the ride. I will miss those days, with fond memories and a stout recollection. Even if we cannot relive those days, to have at least ridden in that car was a joy and an honor in itself.

You served us well, friend.

Mon Mar 13, 10:20:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

77K, written off courtesy of a GDL driver who literally couldn't see a Buick coming...

Wed Mar 22, 03:37:00 AM EST  

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