Saturday, February 25, 2006

Too quick

Reading week is coming to an end and it felt like it just started.

It's funny how you always say to yourself all the things you'll get done if only you had the time to do it and then once that time comes you don't really do much.

Anyway, reading week was good, Jessica and I went to the Ontario Science Center which was awesome. I was a little disappointed that the rocket chair isn't as responsive as it used to be but either way I got to use it. Damn, good stuff. Fun times. When we got back we found Jessica's mom waiting for us in her apartment which was a surprise. She knew it was our reading week so she came down for a little while. It was nice to meet her finally seeing as I've met the millions of others of their extended family. Her dad will come to Waterloo in March to talk to the optometry students so I'm sure I'll get to meet him too [eep! lol].

Anyway, back to studying and all that fun stuff... I'm really getting sick of it all. All this random work that is so unrelated and I can't seem to bring up my average at all. Sure I don't have much back yet but from what my sociology prof said about our midterms I'm sure those will be crap. My philosophy was way lower than I expected and now I've got to do the 'harder' midterms [only because I thought Philosphy and Sociology would have been easier] that are coming up in the next two weeks.

Okay so I'll study when I'm done ranting about random stuff.

So far no takes on my room so my summer plans are still up in the air. I haven't applied anywhere for a job and frankly I just don't want a retail job. I have a feeling trying to get a job with an optometrist for the summer is tough in Waterloo for obvious reasons. I was look at jobs at RIM but the one position that I could have applied for [only because it was an administrative (read secretarial) position] is now gone - not to mention RIM's lawsuit going on.

I should email my dad sometime and ask him for some advice and see if I can get closer to an answer about my summer.


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