Friday, July 14, 2006


I'm not one that's big on politics nor do I know much about politics at all, but I always have this crazy notion in my mind that the UN is going to be pretty useless sooner or later. Frankly from what I've learned in school and on the news throughout my short life are the events that stick out that mar the UN.

"Hey Kim Jong! Please don't nuke anybody!"

"Hey Israel! Lighten up, will ya? Please?"

The UN is a pretty nice idea, I mean, who doesn't like the prospect of international security and peace? However in my mind it just doesn't look like it works for major conflicts. [Remember, I have no idea specifically how the UN works...] What can the UN do to stop one nation from destroying another? Shouldn't one nation attacking a[nother] nation in the UN be considered attacking all member states? [of course there are obvious reasons as to why this should not be the case... two 'World' wide reasons...][I'm also probably confusing this with NATO.] Does the UN have rights to engage in combat in certain situations? eg. If UN sanctioned "peacekeepers" are in an area to appease both sides and prevent further conflicts and one side decides to have at the other side, what happens? I know a country can formally ask the UN to remove them, but what happens if they don't?

More current, what would/can the UN do if, let's say, North Korea has a successful test on their Taepodong missiles? If the recent test had been successful, how differently would the UN act?

If Israel decides it's had enough of everything and decides to ride straight through Lebanon, does the UN tell it's nations to stop Israel?

What nations aren't under the UN? [I guess I could look that up...]

Is the whole Canada and France not going along with the US in either of it's wars frowned upon because of the NATO agreement?

Now, these are all questions I could probably answer myself if I just looked them up, but writing them down is fun too. :P

And please remember I really don't know anything about politics before you comment that I'm "blah blah blah, idiot/dumbass/commie/etc."

Edit: Oh, I guess the UN does well with it's foreign aid stuff... I think. So all good stuff on that... except for the Oil-for-Food thing... which I'm still kinda lost on.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Hey E-Rock

Read Shake Hands With The Devil by LGen. Romeo Dallaire It's about the peacekeeping mission in Rwanda which he lead. It definatly made me think, and it's a REALLY good read. I'd also say watch Hotel Rwanda which is about the same topic and over laps with the book.

Sat Jul 15, 06:19:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Justin said...

haha, sooner or later? I'm sure you mean already.

As Dave Chapelle put it: "U.N., you have a problem with that? You know what you should do? You shoudl sanction me. Sanction me with your army. OH! WAIT A MINUTE! YOU DON'T HAVE AN ARMY!"

The UN hardly does more than impose embargos.

Sat Jul 15, 03:25:00 PM EDT  
Blogger E said...

lol Justin.

Yeah Jeff, I saw Hotel Rwanda when Jessica suggested it after we couldn't find anything at the video store one time. Really good movie, I'm surprised I didn't hear more about it when it came out, but I guess people prefer the action/sexual innuendo/bond-like flicks more. Dallaire was at our school last term but I didn't get to see him speak because I had class. Would have been interesting.

Sun Jul 16, 12:38:00 AM EDT  

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