Monday, October 01, 2007


Huzzah. Another record-breaking length of time has passed between updating my blog.

Not much to say, hence the no updating business. Jessica's in Optometry now, I'm not. I go to class, try to stay awake and learn more things that don't necessarily directly relate to anything that I want to do.

I live in the same place as last year, different room, same setup. Uhm...

I have a cold and it blows. I have eleven midterms but I've done one. Four quizzes, two assignments, and sevenish lab related crap. I live in B1-378. Five days a week from 9-12, fun. I think I got sick in one of my microbio labs because people that want to be doctors don't know how to sterilize things properly. Or not.

I'm applying to US Optometry schools. Also fun. New England (Boston), Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York. Waterloo as well of course. Which brings me to their application process. More like, "what application?". Supposedly they are changing the process because as everyone knows it's full of hot air and no one knows why people get in or don't get in. "We look for well rounded students and marks aren't everything (aside: except we don't care about you unless you have an 82+ average because that's all we say we've accepted in the past on our website). I'm bitter, yes. I'm also annoyed with this cold, which I think makes me bitter. Any other day I'm all, "Waterloo Optometry! Yes!" but I feel so blah. Mein Nase :P

So yes, that's what I can think of. My partial update. In a nutshell, I'm still powering on in his last year of Undergrad holding on to that goal of Optometry. Someone important should notice soon. Numbers aren't everything.


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