Friday, November 19, 2004


Ah... the week is finally over.

This past week was pretty much a lock-yourself-in-your-room weekend because of the two midterms and all the assignments and labs due, etc. Compared to how I handled work during the previous weeks of my first year in university, I did it pretty well. I'm looking forward to shifting my work and study habits back to the way they were in grade 12 [well, more like the beginning of the second semester grade 12... :|]. I figure I might as well pretend or trick myself into enjoying my studies [although Psychology is quite interesting and the reading material is engaging].

Truth is, my marks are terrible. No, not the "terrible-but-still-above-75%", the terrible as in "holy-fucking-shit-I'm-failing" terrible. I'm only literally failing one class [as in under 50%, although that should change dramatically after today's midterm... hopefully.] but I'm technically failing three [once again, possibly only two after today's midterm] which is based on my needed averages to stay within my program, Pre-Optometry/Pre-Health, or as they like to call now, "Biomedical Sciences". I need a 60% cumulative average and 65% in all my sciences. Sounds bloody easy... and it should be. I am of course basing all my marks on my midterms seeing as they are, at the moment, worth the most marks.

It's so hard to bring a mark up when you start off so low...
I really have to work my ass off [not that I'm not now...] and do well on the finals.

If I get 60%+ in all my electives and 65%+ in all my sciences, I'll have dodged a bullet. The Winter term is going to be a brand new slate where this time I know what to expect... and this time I'll get more sleep. [Christmas break is going to be full of sleep... I've forgotten what it's like to have more than 5 hours of sleep on a weekday.]

Anyway... It's nice to see the comments coming in, I really appreciate it, no matter how little I seem to show it. Thanks. Support from a few little words is support none the less.

In response to some comments,

- The cookie was in a bag and I was going to only take a piece but instead they pulled the bag away and I was left with a ginormous cookie no one wanted. It was big.

- shhhhHHH *pop!* *waaaaahhh* I may not do awesome, but I'm sure as hell going to try...

- I don't hate math, I hate Calculus... wait no, I hate Calculus at the University of Waterloo. That's right. Mrs. Couture's class was so much better... I miss high school.

- Stay away from my ass, John.

- haha. You're doing model poses in the tent, Sarah.


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