Monday, November 15, 2004

...into a burning ring of fire...

And so we enter the week of hell.

Second week of the second round of midterms. [If you include the second of three Calculus midterms] and the beginning of the ending of many labs. Essays, assignments, midterms, deadlines. They're all piling up.

Residence has definitley quieted down. Most, if not all of the students have come to realize that it's really time to get cracking. I myself am going to lock myself either in my room or somewhere on campus until Christmas time.

Here's a little peek at my final exam schedule.

December 9: Chem 120
December 10: Phys 111L
December 11: Psych 101
December 13: Biol 130
December 14: Biol 130L
December 15: Phys 111
December 16: Chem 120L
December 17: Math 127

Yes, that's right, I get December 12th off.

On a tangent, the University of Waterloo is obviously famous for it's mathematics. People that take math here are smart. Not just "smart", but more like, "I can proove that a^n+b^n=c^n where n=R [No, not just Pythagorus(sp), but all real numbers. It's some 300 page proof that some old dude did. Thanks to Dan, the house math genius in the Dungeon. (The basement.)]

Anyway, I'm taking a basic Calculus course... the key word is basic. My professor, turns out, is the head of the Calculus whatchamacall-it. So basically, it took a class I once enjoyed and did pretty swell in, into a class I hate with a fiery passion. I thankfully only have to take this course once [that is if I pass]. Somehow they have turned all the same things that we learned in High School into the hardest, most abstract, rip-your-fucking-eyes-out, kind of math.

That's my rant for now. I have to sleep or else the lack of sleep will domino as the week goes on. It happened lasat week and I ended up sleeping 15.5 hours on Friday night.



Blogger Justin said...

I bet I hate math more than you do!

That burning ring of fire is feelingthe math gives as it rapes you. *shudder*

Mon Nov 15, 10:20:00 PM EST  

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