Friday, October 08, 2004


Alright, so I've had a lot of people tell me I need to update this blog. It's been 20 days or so since I've last posted. I know, I know, I used to be the one that posted once or twice a day. From now on I'll try and update more often but I can't guarantee the posts will be as grand as before - unless of course there's another emo-fest going on.

Basically I haven't posted much because I've been pretty busy, either with school or around rez (mostly rez). I'm having quite a bit of fun, perhaps a little too much. I'm kind of behind on most, if not all my work. Things are starting to pile up and catch up to me (like mid-terms. yay!)

Anyway, that's all for now, going to go eat and study for a lab.

Until next time. I'll post some pics sometime too.


Blogger Justin said...

That's the weakest update. Ever.
heh hope your having doing your loads of homework. So far, University is less work than hishchool! (Uh... well when you do Justin amounts of work i.e. I havne't one of my math textbooks yet, and the other I've only opened to make sure I wrote my friends name in it so I wouldn't forget)

Fri Oct 08, 01:59:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Gumbi said...

Eric?... Eric Woo?.... I remember you... You used to be that little Emo kid who was worried about not having anything to do, and not having any fun. You little shitter. I hope your doing well and i look forward to the xmas time when we can hang out in the jolly season

Tue Oct 12, 02:54:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Gumbi said...

New Poll...Please?

Thu Oct 14, 03:43:00 AM EDT  

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