Saturday, September 11, 2004

Oh yikes! Here comes the Vikes!

It's been quite the long time since I've posted anything on here. The days have been busy and at the same time, not busy at all. I'm posting now purely because suddenly I felt something inside of me feel different.

With MSN, being far away doesn't feel like being far away. I know whenever I want to talk to someone I can talk to them on MSN. I loved being able to use it because it was a little less personal than talking on the phone and awkward pauses weren't as awkward. Now it just feels... inadequate, perhaps inappropriate. It's just not the same knowing that you can't hear their voice or see their expressions. Sure it's possible to do over the internet, but it just doesn't replace the ability to be with someone in the same room - together. Perhaps people give off a vibe or maybe it's just you know you're within physical distance, maybe it's the smell of their laundry, or the way someone moves. I don't know. I don't know what I'm talking about either. Perhaps I just miss being close to people. Sure, I'm with people all day but it's not the same, I'm not with people that I care as much for, not that I don't.

:P December will come slowly. On that note, I was just thinking about it yesterday and December will be when half of my first year is over. So much can change in that time, so much willchange in that time... I can't even imagine what I'll come back to, if there's something to come back to. Hopes float higher than reality.

Anyway, yeah. Spent quite a bit of time in the lounge watching Cable TV, a luxury I do not have at home. It's kind of confusing because all the channels are different here. I'm the only person in my whole building that is out of province. Anyway, so I'm still on Orientation week (last day is today) but I'm not signed up for either the Faculty or Rez orientations so technically I can't partake in anything. First day was the "free day" where we all get together in chosen rez groups to cheer and represent the group we are in. The goal is to win a giant trophy and bragging rights of having the most spirit. We did some icebreaker things and ran around a big field meeting random people. After that it was pretty much a big and long drawn out pep rally. I snuck into The Day After Tomorrow and got some free popcorn and pop but the best event I snuck into was Monte Carlo night. Basically a night where everyone dresses up as swank as possible and go dance/gamble/drink. The last two are fake though seeing as it's 19 here and not 18. I ended up playing Blackjack all night, I think I have a problem. lol The night was a good excuse to dress up nicely though, which I thoroughly enjoyed. uhh... what else can I say... Oh yeah, last night a bunch of guys had a mini LAN party lol. Yep... dunno.

I guess I'm just feeling a little "friend-sick". The homesick hasn't really hit me yet, living in rez is pretty sweet.

Well, I gotta pee. Later.


Blogger Justin said...

Holy crap. You posted this seconds after I loaded the page.

Sat Sep 11, 05:42:00 PM EDT  
Blogger iWoo said...

You should see home. It's a mess. Okay, not really, but we're living on frozen meals and such. My web design teacher is going on and on when everything is over everyone's heads already. I'm the only one with some experience, so it's terribly exciting. (Sarcasm? Nah!) I've already stayed late at school, but it's fun times. I'm drawing a charcoal portrait of Grace Kelly. I get to wear nice shirts to classes I'm not doing studio type work. Hooray. Calgary is cold. Can you tell how bored I am yet? Anyway. Well written post, and I know exactly what you mean, in the second paragraph. It's certain things you associate with people, because not just anybody's laundry smells THAT good to you. Time for lunch, later.

Tue Sep 14, 01:55:00 PM EDT  

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