Thursday, September 02, 2004


Two days left.

That snuck up on me fast. I'm in disbelief right now. These next two days will be the last time I get to spend in Calgary for four months. The last time in four months I will see certain people. The last time things will ever be like they are now.

I just know that there are a lot of things in my life that are so great that just won't be the same when I come back. I can wish as much as I want but it's not up to me. I just don't understand why when something so great comes along, something has to ruin it. When it finally comes to leaving in 52 hours, I don't know how I'm going to take it. I don't know what's going to happen in the next two days, who I'm going to see, how I'm going to feel. I've said it before many times, and I say it again, no matter how grateful I am for this opportunity, I just wish things could be a little different.

It's hard to imagine that a few months ago I was eager and even counting down the days until I would be moving. Oh how things have changed. To be truthful, I've never had any reason to want to stay so badly until now and other than visiting my family, a reason to come back. I wanted to start a whole new life, now all I want is for nothing to change. I guess that's just the way things have fallen into place.

I talked to Dickie about the different possibilities of where I could have been now. First I could have been staying here and going to the University of Calgary for two or more years, instead that progressed to possibly the University of Alberta, and then Queens, and now Waterloo.

Waterloo... I would have ended up going to Waterloo a few years later, but I have to thank Vanessa for where I am today. Without her I probably would be going to the U of C, not that there's anything wrong with that. She talked me into thinking about all the things that I wouldn't miss. I thought long and hard and I never came up with anything that kept me from wanting to leave. My family would always be here, and they would always be there to support me no matter what. Sure, my biggest worry was friends, but at that time, it just didn't seem that big of a deal.

Fuck. Things have changed rapidly in the last few months.

Vanessa's flight to Fredricton left very early Wednesday morning so we, being Dickie, Megan, Jeff, Sarah, and I spent the Tuesday evening/night together for one last time in a long time. Fuck. I was an emotional trainwreck. Vanessa, if you read this, you have no idea how much you've affected me. I wouldn't be the same person today without ever meeting you on the good ol' 729 South. I can never repay you. See you in December, and then perhaps we can do our Spring Break Montreal trip.

Ugh. Two days left of perhaps my brighter days in the life of Woo. There will be more to come, perhaps some better, but it's having to break that lightbulb on purpose that's killing me.

Fifty-two hours of an up and down emotional rollercoaster. Perhaps all that has happened will be worth it... I just know it's going to be hell for quite awhile after.


In other news, perhaps an update.

About five days ago Waterloo emailed me saying they couldn't lift the condition on my acceptance and thus making me not a student to the University of Waterloo. They said that they did not have my final marks from High School. So being quite pissed off and frustrated and after yelling/typing out a few colourful words, I scanned an unofficial transcript and emailed them. Turns out that's all they needed and thus solving a potentially life-changing dilemma in a matter of a few hours.

About four days ago Justin, Alexandra D., and I were in a car accident. From a technical perspective the blame was on Justin, but from my point of view and from other witnesses, it was the other driver's fault. I could bitch and rant about that a lot more but I won't. Anyway, the car hit the back right side of the car where I was sitting, but luckily all the damage went to the side-panel and not the door. The accident left me with a sore elbow and later on some more bruises I found on my leg. The bruises on my leg are doing good but my elbow occasionally gets swore and the bruise sometimes gets aggravated [mostly because I have to move my elbow a lot]. Other than that, everything's good. Truthfully I must say it was quite the interesting thing to experience being in an accident where I watched the car hit us, but I feel for Justin. All the blame is put on him and he doesn't deserve it. Hopefully everything works out.

The 29th and 30th are kind of a blur. I'm pretty sure I spent the 29th with Justin, Jamie, and my brother Ian. We went to lunch at the Chalet between Jeff's split shifts. Everybody go watch Equilibrium. Just do it. Then after I went to Megan's where the baby deep fryer [in French and English] was the amusement. The 30th I have no idea what I did. I'm pretty sure I packed stuff, but I don't think I got much done. Perhaps I'll wake up early and do some more.

Today I drove Justin, Jeff and Ian to The Shooting Edge where we shot a crapload of guns. I got a nice hot brass shell stuck in between my glasses and my eye which gave me a nice burn. It started to peel recently but it was all worth shooting the Blaser .308 sniper rifle. I'm going to decorate my dorm room with targets.

Anyway, I'm wasting time staying up late blogging... how lame am I. Whatever, I'll be doing a lot of this when I return to my normal loneliness. :/

I guess I have 52.5 hours left now [Leave for airport at 8AM Saturday] but then again, I'll be sleeping half of it most likely.

Fuck. That's dissappointing.


Blogger Gumbi said...

When you come back to Calgary ask for bullets for xmas and we will DEFINATLY take a trip to seattle or something and play with some fully autos!

Thu Sep 02, 06:50:00 AM EDT  

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