Sunday, August 22, 2004


Air Canada
Flight #: AC 122
Depart: Calgary SAT Sep 04/04 10:10
Arrive: Toronto SAT Sep 04/04 15:57

Air Canada
Flight #: AC 173
Depart: Toronto THU Dec 23/04 12:00
Arrive: Calgary THU Dec 23/04 14:13

Yep, flight's booked for when I leave home and when I come back. I'll probably stay for the ten days or however long Winter Break lasts for... Don't know what there will be to do while I'm back, what will change, who's still sticking around etc. It'll be interesting.

I've got two more shifts to go at Zellers. Sometimes I kind of wish my last day was a little later, like the 31st or something. However, working today just didn't feel the same. It wasn't as "fun" as it normally was. I don't know what was different, perhaps I just had one too many asshole-of-a-customer come through my till in the morning. Then again, my last two weeks of work were probably the most enjoyable. It's probably just the comparison of then and now that's making work not feel so fun. I don't know what I'm going to do with my time off. I guess I do have a bunch of packing to do and possibly cleaning up before I leave.

I've been debating on the whole "parting gifts" for people. A few months ago I was thinking it was a sweet idea, but when I think about it, it's not really goodbye. I'm not never going to see them again - atleast I plan on seeing people again and keeping in touch. I'm sure I'll lose touch with a lot of people, I just hope it doesn't happen with the ones that matter most. Only time will tell.

I got an old webcam last week which to my delight works decently. Every once in awhile it freezes and just cuts out, but it still serves it's purpose 99% of the time. I was surprised how happy I was to have a webcam. At first I wanted it just because it was something I thought that would be fun but the more I used it the more I realised how much closer you can communicate with people. Rather than just staring at a blank window with occassional words popping up you can see a person's emotions and reactions. It brings life to a conversation that can feel so dead otherwise. It makes the conversation more personal. Although, when they can only see you and you can't see them, it feels kind of odd. Oh well. Perhaps bringing a webcam to my dorm will be a nicer, more personal way of keeping in touch with people.

Well, I can't think of much else to say. It's going to be an odd 13 days left... hopefully all goes nicely...


Blogger Justin said...

You should make a webcam site, with the cam on 24/7. And link it to your blog. It'll be the real life of Woo³.


Sun Aug 22, 05:27:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Gumbi said...

Eirc, No matter how hard you try i will NOT look at you naked on your webcam so STOP ASKING

Sun Aug 22, 11:24:00 PM EDT  

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