Monday, August 16, 2004


So I guess a recap on things seems like a nice thing to put up on here.

Friday I worked from 12 - 6 and when I got home Darti called about his 18th party. I was feeling quite tired but I decided I would head over a little later on instead of when it started [7:30]. I figured I'd find a way there when I wanted to go. So I'm sitting there watching the Opening Ceremonies to the Olympics in Athens and I look at the time. It's like 9:45. I'm like, "Oh damn!" and I jump in the car. So I'm driving and then I realized, "Wait a minute. Darti moved... Fuck." I turn around and head back home. As I get home, Jeff and Jocelyn call me and want to just hang out. Jocelyn didn't end up going to Darti's because it was so far away and none of us knew directions/wanted to drive there/everyone's probably already wasted so we headed to Denny's.

After some good catching up [She was in Germany pretty much the whole freakin' summer. lol] we headed to her place for awhile. We played quarters, I made an urgent call to Sarah's cell at around 3:30AM [really, I HAD to call. ;)], and watched a bit of... Lizzie McGuire. ha...

I worked at 9:30 the next day, pretty tired when I got up but the day went nicely. Not too busy, not stressful at all. Had to work with Eugene a bit. [Only us cool Zellers workers know who that is. lol ;)] When I got picked up, my brother and my mom tagged along with my dad and we ended up sticking around at the mall for an hour and a half or so. We checked out some stores, mainly the ones Ian and I wanted to look at [Swarovski, Mexx, Banana Republic etc.] We did some money-less shopping [no not stealing] - some cool stuff I'd probably buy, either out of spontaneity or if I won the lotto [or if it was my birthday].

After, the whole Woo gang went to Tropika for some Malaysian cuisine. Of course, the generous gentleman that I am offered to pay for the meal [yeah, so it was the linked credit my dad got me but it's the thought that counts, right? lol]. Getting home I left pretty much right away to Sarah's place where Vanessa was and where Dickie and Jeff met up after they got off work. It was a nice top-off to a day of work, wandering the mall, and "hangin' with the Woo's".

Today was mine, and also Sarah's day off. After I wasted the day sleeping until 2PM, Sarah and I went to Taco Bell for some non-hot sauce tacos and fries supreme and then to the La Senza "Shopping Party" where Vanessa and Megan worked. Yeah, stepping into the store was a little odd, but after the initial, "tee-hee, I see panties" it was no different than any other store. It was fun to tag along and see what Vanessa and Megan would show Sarah to try on/buy. In my opinion, a successful day of shopping for Sarah.

Vanessa was able to leave work so we went to her place, watched some Olympics [yay!], and best of all watched little baby Sydney. [insert sound of giggling like a little school-girl here] So cute :) Megan got off work and so we headed there to continue chilling out and also met up with Dickie and Jeff. Good laughs, lame jokes [sorry], fun times.

I've gotta buy some of those yogurt+(vanilla or strawberry) granola bars. mmmm. We all headed out pretty early - people work way too early in the morning :). I gotta work at noon for a six hour shift so that's not too bad. I should sleep soon.

On a random note, my mom borrowed a book from the library called "The Metrosexual Guide to Style. A Handbook for the Modern Man" by Michael Flocker. I laughed and read bits of it. Turns out it's actually pretty funny and funnier that some of the things I read I can relate to. A lot seems to be common sense, like etiquette at social gatherings and special functions etc. but I guess I'm not that far into it. I think it's a funny book to have, and also useful seeing as it has things like how to order wines, what to do in "what do I do?" situations. lol Perhaps I'll find it at a bookstore.

Anyway, I'm just gonna stop rambling about stuff because frankly you probably don't care and I just felt like writing stuff down.

It's all memories... good memories.

[Edit: New poll up. Results of the old poll were you all prefer drowning in pee than suffocation by poo. lol]


Blogger Gumbi said...

QUARTER!!...The Game Of Champions

"You said my name DRINK"
"You swore!"
"You Pointed!"


Mon Aug 16, 05:18:00 AM EDT  

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