Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Yay for the day off. After nine days straight of working, this is quite nice to have.

I slept through most of it to my regret, although I probably didn't miss anything. I woke up at 2:30 and watched some more Alias Season One on DVD [awesome. :)] before heading to Vanya's BBQ with Sarah, Vanessa, and Justin. It was nice to hang out with some of the people I haven't seen since school ended like Dan T, Marty, Laura etc. After watching the finale of Outback Jack we headed to Sarah's place with Justin and Alex where Megan and Jeff joined us to watch Along Came Polly and then Conan. Yeah, I gotta stop breaking stuff in Sarah's house.

All in all, a good day, one of the better days off.

Tomorrow will probably begin with me waking up after noon and heading to work for a non-cashier shift that I picked up with Sarah. Speaking of work, turns out I actually did win the $100 gift card for getting the most donations. Who knows what I'll buy with it, perhaps just for when I want a snack, something for school, or something for someone. I really don't know... what could I buy from either Zellers, The Bay, or Home Outfitters...

Anyway, off to sleep for another day awaits. :)


Blogger Gumbi said...

Buy me something!!

Wed Aug 11, 06:26:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Gumbi said...

BTW> Get better poll questions...

Wed Aug 11, 06:28:00 AM EDT  

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