Saturday, July 24, 2004

Toasty and Tired

Damn, I'm tired.

So yesterday I ended up going to bed at four AM. I was actually called at 1:30 AM by Jeff to get picked up; he treated me to Tim Horton's where I had a BLT Combo. I didn't mind him calling so late, seeing as I wasn't sleeping anyway.

So I headed back home and fell asleep around four AM, like mentioned above, and woke up around seven AM. I headed off to work and was amazed to find our store actually opening at eight-bloody-o'clock. The time went by relatively quick though. I spent a bit of time in the Smoke Shop where it's not nearly as busy and I have time to just fiddle my thumbs.

I've actually just woken up from a nap, I think a close to three hour nap, and I still feel tired. Blargh. I'm glad I have tomorrow off.

On another note, my brother got home today a bit after I did and turns out he went to the Gold Medal Tour where he got "bag the shit" out of some expensive cars. Sounds like fun.

Anyway, that's all I can think of in this blistering heat. Perhaps more later on.


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