Friday, July 23, 2004


So today I worked from 5:45 PM to 9:45 PM, a short but seemingly longer shift. Nothing out of the ordinary.

When I got home, Jeff calls me up to see if I wanted to do anything with him, Dickie and Vanessa. Instead Dickie spent time with Vanessa and Jeff, Jamie [from pre-high school days], and I went to Denny's. We did a lot of reminiscing, chatted about our summers, relationships... etc. I accidentally sexually harassed our waitress, but we left a good tip.

So we drop Jamie off at home because she's dead tired and Jeff and I head up to Timmy Ho's. I pull into the parking lot next to a car just as the people were about to get into it. I wait patiently for the people to get in so I don't hit them with my door but as I do so I put the car in park, put the brake on and then decided to just turn my lights off and take off my seatbelt. Like the retard I am, as the other car moves away I get out, lock the door and close it. Just as I close it Jeff asks if the engine was still running. Fuck, I'm a moron. Thankfully my oldest brother, Ryan, drove up with spare keys. So we sat in Timmy Ho's for a looong time talking about random stuff as mentioned in Jeff's blog such as cars, guns, work, etc. My brother left as it was getting a little light out and Jeff and I stayed for a bit longer.

I went from 110% confidence at Denny's to having a bit of doubt after talking with Jeff... He brought forth a whole new side of the situation that I never even thought of... perhaps a side my brain didn't want to think of. It sucks to think of... It may change the way I carry out this solution, but I'll still do it. Oh I hope for the best...

What the hell! I just looked at the calendar and it's only Friday! I could have swore it was Saturday... aw hell. I have today off and it's going to flow by as fast as molasses in the arctic. Perhaps it's a good thing it's 7 AM... I can sleep the whole day by.

Ugh. This is tough...


Blogger iWoo said...

I'm trying, I'm trying... to drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away. Modest Mouse - Polar OppositesHow's it going? Enjoy all of the little moments with the people you care about. Laugh. Savour food, and drink in your surroundings with as much intensity as you can.

Ian (not a hippie, really)

Fri Jul 23, 01:37:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Gumbi said...

You can drink your own urine....IT'S STARILE!!

Fri Jul 23, 06:07:00 PM EDT  

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