Wednesday, July 21, 2004


So here's a post to contrast many of the others.

Today was a good day, and then a great day, and then a fan-fucking-tastic day.

I started work at 11 AM today and ended at 5 PM. The day was busy enough that I, for the most part, always had something to do but not busy enough that it was painful. Another amazing thing work had was less asshole customers and more nice people! In fact, someone filled out a customer comment card about me that mentioned me as being "A++". I'm glad someone appreciates the extra little effort I put towards them. I have a feeling I know which customer it was and I can understand why I gave them good service. I say approach the teller with a great attitude and you shall receive a great attidude back. The thing I hate most is customers that treat you like shit for no reason. And they wonder why they get bad service. Anyway, the day was beautiful and work went quick.

Going home I was a little disappointed there wasn't anything to do. No one was online and others were at work. I had my dinner and then decided since there was nothing to do, I'd take a nap. It lasted no longer than probably five or ten minutes when for some reason I just woke up. I changed my MSN name to "wake me up" before I took a nap in case anyone of interest came online. Strangely I woke up to Sarah's message, which I didn't hear, and we talked for quite awhile about different things, some pressing matters, and some light chit-chat. For a good three and a half-or-so hours I expressed some needed thoughts and quickly and enjoyably passed the time until Jeff called.

As planned the previous night at Sarah's when we watched The Bourne Identity, we watched a movie at Jeff's. Jeff, Megan, Sarah, and I watched 28 Days Later in Jeff's cozy basement. Rage-tastic.

Things are looking up. I'm happier than before and I think all this talking I do with you guys [you know who you are] really helps. I really should be happy. Perhaps very soon, or after this weekend, things will happen...

A dream of tomorrow becomes reality. :)

[Is this not so sad? ;)]


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