Tuesday, July 13, 2004

"Why only one?"

So at the good ol' Market Mall Zellers, there is an option to donate a dollar in support of the New Alberta Children's Hospital, the Kids Help Phone, and the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. There's a "contest" between cashiers where the person who "sells" the most of these donation sheets [just little things to hang on the wall] gets a hundred dollar HBC Gift Card. Now obviously the people with over 40 hours a week are going to get more than others and so most people don't even bother asking customers. I figure it goes to a good cause and really it's not a hassle to me so I ask anyway, even if I don't get the most sold.

I swear, either some people are just bloody cheap or just plain selfish. The winning excuse today was, "I don't have enough [to donate].".

It's a fucking dollar.

Yeah, now there are some people that can't afford to give up that dollar and it's usually obvious when they can't. This guy however pulled out a fifty dollar bill for a two dollar item. Seriously, have a heart.

The second best excuse was, "I don't have time right now.". Hello, I'm the one doing the work, all you have to do is put your name on a card [and that in itself is optional. I scan the card [uh oh, there goes a precious half second of time which adds the dollar straight onto the bill thus not needing a loonie to be dug out of the wallet or purse.

There are people that don't donate because they donate all the time or because they live off every dollar they make but even if you just don't want to, why lie? People try to explain to me why they don't want to donate, frankly, I don't give a shit. If you feel you have to redeem yourself for not donating a dollar so you won't feel guilty, why not just donate the dollar instead.

I know, some people have reasons not to donate and I'm making most people sound bad. There have been the occasional people that do the opposite of the above mentioned. After I finish scanning all their items, I ask the customer, "Would you like to donate a dollar to the New Alberta Children's Hospital?".

The best response was, "Why only one?"

Some donate two dollars, others three... one donated five. The one was a young man that came through my till looking no older than perhaps late twenties. He held a big bag with a stuffed animal inside and one of those foil balloons sticking out of it. He looked at me after I asked him if he wanted to donate a dolare and he asked me the above question. He asked for five so I scanned five and gave him the five cards to write names on. One by one he filled them out slowly and carefully in silence as I waited with his charge card and Rewards card in hand. As he finished signing the last card, he, with teary eyes, looked straight at me and said, "My son is in there..."

I gave him his cards, wished his son luck and watched him walk off through the mall.

Most people don't seem to care to donate a dollar. I bet most don't because they've never depended on what they're donating to. Someone once said, "What? They don't have enough money to finish building it?". Others say, "I've done it once before." Sure most probably don't mean anything bad when they say it, it's just that when they say that, it sounds like a dollar is enough. One guy came through and donated two dollars because, "They saved my life.". Sure, two dollars seems like nothing, but I can tell you that's a thousand times more than others would give.

So next time you go through a till in Zellers and perhaps the Bay, donate. It's a dollar. I make more than a dollar in less than 9 minutes. It goes to a good cause. Whether or not the Children's Hospital, the Kid's Help Phone, or Cystic Fibrosis helps you, just do it. If you don't feel like it, just say no thanks. I and maybe others would rather hear that than some poorly made excuse not to.

In other news, it's my oldest brother's birthday today. Happy 22nd. We're going out for dinner later. After that I hope to be able to see a movie with everyone at Jeff's house. Perhaps Army of Darkness to finish off the trilogy. That reminds me, Sarah has only seen Episode Two of all the Star Wars movies...

Another post by tonight [or perhaps, in following of the trend, tomorrow at 4 or 5 AM :P].


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