Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Happy [insert event]

Happy Birthday to Brittany M [yesterday]
and Happy Hangovers to everyone else.

After a good seven hours of work [took an extra two] I went home, fell asleep and was kinda late getting to Schanks for Britt's birthday. I didn't know where all my friends disappeared to so I just drove down. Turns out Kevin F, Justin K, Alex M, and Rob W were all "pre-birthdaying". Fuck, Kevin, I don't think I have ever seen someone so drunk. He was saying random shit, yelling stuff no one could understand, he even talked to some of the parents for five minutes.

So Justin and I were going to go to the Chalet and try and get some free food. Turns out just as I pulled out of the Schanks parking lot, some crazy deranged girl runs up to my car. Turns out it was only Sarah C and that her, Vedz, Dickie, and Mac [Jeff. haha] were all going to go see Fahrenheit 9/11. Justin hadn't seen it so I dropped him off and I headed back to Schanks.

In that less than five minutes of leaving Schanks, we lots Kevin F. He was nowhere to be found, except in the second stall of the upstairs bathroom. What a pretty site that was. Once you open the door you could feel the thick, damp air hit your nostrils with sweetness almost of fruit.

It was puke. Well, and air freshener.

As you step over the puke by the entrance and made your way past the auto paper dispensers you came across the puke that was spread out under the stalls and onto the main attraction: Kevin with his head in the toilet. We got him water, which he threw right up a few minutes after drinking enough, paper towels, and kept him from passing out. Finally Mark the doorman and a bouncer came and helped him out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and outside. Rob and I cleaned him up, threw him in the car and dropped him off at his house with his brother, Jason.

Back to Schanks where we met with Menzies but we all had to leave because they were closing early. Most of us went to Boston Pizza's lounge. After that was pretty much chill out time. I got to know some people some more, heard some interesting stories.

Anyway, so the results of last week's poll, So far, how would you say your Summer has been going? have been interesting. Most, but not by much, of you have been enjoying your summer.

F$!K YEAH! took the lead with 5 votes followed by
I'd have more fun at school. with 4.
Pretty damn great. had 3 votes,
Bleh... had 2, and
I'm liking it. and I'd have more fun throwing feces. was tied with 2.
None of the sixteen votes were on the fence with Same ol'

This week's poll will be, Do you have a summer job?


Blogger Mike said...

Man, Sounds messy, but still Fun.

And poor Kevin, All that money, Just to have it come back up.

Tue Jul 06, 06:52:00 PM EDT  

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