Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Movie Night Monday #1

Featured Movie: The Blair Witch Project

It's amazing how lame a movie can get after 5 years. I remember when that movie came out it was all hyped up and it was actually pretty cool. Watching it now is like, "Uh, sticks, eh?" That was a little disappointing and made the night kinda lame but the whole purpose was to scare the crap out of Sarah C and we did. The night started at nine, that's when people started arriving, but some things came up and we waited until around 10:45 to start the movie. It was a nice handful of people, next time I'll have to position the seats better to fit you guys in nicer. All that were there were Justin K, Mike W, Sarah C, Jeff M, Dickie, Vanessa M, Ian W, Caitlin M, Kevin F, and I. I actually forgot about snacks, sorry about that. Some host. :P

Overall I think the night was okay. It was something for people to do. Kevin came up with the next movie, 28 Days Later for the next Movie Night Monday. This time it'll start around 10 or so, that way most people are off work etc. Hopefully it goes better.

On Tuesday, today, I woke up at 7 in the morning to go to the airport where we met Terence F at gates A to see him off before he goes to Hong Kong for two months. When he gets back I'll probably be moving in a week if not sooner. The strange coincidence is that after we said goodbye to Terence, Jocelyn S spotted me while she was in line to check her luggage in. I was thinking yesterday, "I'm going to the airport, I wonder when she is." but I didn't actually expect to see her. It was nice to see her too since she'll be getting back August 10th and I'll only have around two weeks to see her before I possibly never see her again... :(

Hrm... I say these things but it doesn't seem to hit me yet that I'm moving away. I can think that I won't see a lot of people ever again but I just don't get that, "Woah." feeling. I've got lots of time to spend time with people this summer. Besides, I'm sure the people I hang out with this summer will be the people I'll remember rather than the ones I see every once in awhile at school in the hallways.

Anyway, my Chef Woois done and I'm gonna go watch some old tapes of All-Stars Survivor. A whole season of reality TV missed! [oh yeah, I should add that to Interests... I'm a Reality TV whore.]


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