Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Finally, English is over. I wrote the English 30-1 diploma final today, not too bad, but then I again I think that all the time and end up getting a 60-something percent. Oh well. I'm just glad that's over.

Afterwards we went to Moxie's with Sarah C, Robyn R, Heather W, and Danielle E, where we got some crappy service from "Jesse H". Slow drinks, attitude, she even talked about us "behind out backs" [two feet away] imitating Robyn as being snotty asking for refills. We left a nice tip... After we called up Moxie's and talked to the manager (twice) about her and another for being hung up on while put on hold. Good stuff.

After that, pretty much just headed to Justin K's place and did some studying/talking about random stuff.

Social 30 diploma's tomorrow. Ugh. That's going to suck no matter how hard I study.
That's pretty much all for now. The blogging has been going slow since I started to do these exams, but after that all the fun begins.

Check out the links to some other blogs of people from Bowness.

Jeff Macarone's
Amy Gagne's
Everett Scott's [He still hasn't posted anything :P]
Emily DeWolfe's I dunno if I spelled that right of it you go by Fofonoff [dunno if I spelled that right either... :P]
Danielle Eley Don't really know her too well but we've hung around a few times! :D
These will also be permanently linked just above the poll on the right.


Blogger Gumbi said...

That Jeff guy sounds like a babe, I bet he has a large Penis

Thu Jun 24, 01:15:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to Moxie's too ya dink!

Unless you think me and you are a "we". I didn't know this relationship had gotten to this stage.
Your creepy Mister Woo.


Fri Jun 25, 10:08:00 PM EDT  

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