Saturday, July 03, 2004

It's off to work we go...

Went into work today. They finally changed my hours so that I get more than four per week. It's nice but I still only get around 16 - 17 hours everyday but two days of the week. Stupid short shifts. Oh well, atleast they gave me shifts, comparably to the 200+ other employees that can easily take my shifts. Luckily I got the 10th off so I can go on Michelle I's pubcrawl! My other day off is the 7th, which is Mike W's 18th also.

"I love the rain, it's long hard and wet.

haha. I said that in PMAT 20 and Kerrie reminded me in my yearbook. While I was working the clouds opened up and threw a wall of water down on us. It was bloody amazing. I just wish I was outside at the time. By the time I got off work it was no fun. Just a bunch of big puddles and no rain at all.

I'm off to Edmonton tomorrow morning for a family friend's son's wedding. I might post once more before I leave.



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