Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I'm drinking hot chocolate

Just woke up about a half hour ago. Decided to post something in here, not much else to do. I'm drinking some hot chocolate and there's a muffin with my name on it in the kitchen.

Last night Mike W, and I went to Jamie S's just to chill out before she goes to her cottage in BC for a week. Jeff showed up later cuz he didn't get to go hang out with "the love interest". Looks like they've got something planned for tonight though.

I like watching this whole thing unfold. It's like one of those reality TV shows but it actually is reality. ha. So... I'm lame. It's an interesting time for relationships. I know people that have been a couple for so long that I wonder what will happen once this summer's over. I know some of them will be going to the same Universities, so that's not too bad, but others are splitting completely apart. Then there are the relationships that are just starting, not only romantically but as friends. We have two months left to get to know each other and in two months, a lot can happen. After two months, so much more can happen. I just wonder if half, if not most of the people we know now will even be a part of our lives and memories later on. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that I have barely met or have only spent a little time with that have changed something about me. Friendships and acquaintances are important to us... I know there is a really small group of people, if not person, that I became friends with that I owe dearly. I'm sure they've made me angry, made me laugh, made me cry. I've always learned something more about myself each time.

Sometimes I just think that once we go out seperate ways we might just drift apart. I've had friends that have just disappeared from my life, but it's just not the same. Friends have made me who I am today and who I will be tomorrow. I love you guys for that, and I thank you.

And to the one that was always there when I needed to talk to someone, when I needed to rant, and when I needed to cry. You listened to every word, and every once in awhile smacked me with the truth. I can not thank you enough.

Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you. - Madame de Tencin

That was a really emo post...


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