Friday, July 09, 2004

This elevator only goes up.

So Sarah picked up Jeff and I to go to Vanessa and Megan's baseball game up in the Hamptons [that sounds like something they say on TV] where I owe the prevention of having to get a new face to Jeff.

There we were sitting on the blanket eating Spitz. Both Sarah and Jeff are watching the warmup before the inning starts and I turn around to spit the shell out. As I'm turning back, I see about a foot in front of me a big friggin' white baseball and the tips of fingers within the corner view of my eye. Being dumb slow me, I turn my head instead of ducking and immediately I hear the crack of the ball on skin. Jeff caught the ball out of mid-air and saved me from saying goodbye to the Gucci glasses and possibly a could-have-been bruise/cut/broken face. lol. I owe him so much. I love you man. And as for Sarah, thanks for running away. Some friend you are. lol jk! [I'd probably be trying to get the hell out of the way. :P] Atleast you put the effort in the other 12 times the ball came at us. I swear there's a big magnet in the ball and a chunk of metal in my head or something.

After that, Sarah and I headed to Rogers to rent Evil Dead II as Dickie and Jeff got some snacks. "Some" being an understatement. Candy Trail Mix is the sweetest invention [no pun intended]. We gotta take that camping. Vanessa and Megan arrived and we started the movie.

As usual, Sarah was scared crapless and thus the movie was effective. Funny thing is the movies in the trilogy successively get less scary and more along the lines of comedy. :)

"Hush little baby, don't say a word. Momma's gonna' buy you a mockingbird...

Ah, great times. Only one more Bruce Campbell movie to go of these three and it's the best one of all. Perhaps this one will still scare Scarah [Scare-ah]. I don't remember what we were talking about when I said that...


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