Wednesday, July 07, 2004


My first day off for this week. What a bore.

I pretty much just slept, woke up for a few hours and then slept again.

Just another day on MSN and I randomly decided to check out who was online in the group of people I never see online. Amazingly there was one. I always saw her name change but never actually saw her online until now. I decided to say something to see if maybe she'd respond or even care who I was anymore. Two years had gone by since we pretty much lost contact with each other. Even so, when we did see each other two years ago going into Highschool, it wasn't much of a meeting and we kinda just drifted apart. Surprisingly we talked a bit and she wanted me to come to Tim Horton's for some coffee.

I'm glad I agreed to go. For one it was something to break me from the deathgrip of boredom and second, she was always a great girl that I never got to know very well. She still is a great girl. Some surprising stories but nonetheless the same Jo I remember. We, including Justin, talked about simple matters in life like school, people we know, etc. I had a fun time and hopefully some more fun times later on.

I'll post this for now so Jo can read it before she falls asleep. ;)

[the update]
Jo, it wasn't mainly me. You initiated the whole meeting together for coffee. Knowing me I probably wouldn't have suggested it since I still have that shy guy you remember inside of me. I'm also glad tonight happened. In fact it made the previous long and boring hours all worth it. If I wasn't stuck at home doing nothing I probably wouldn't have seen you online. I guess also thanks to one of your friends for making you check that email account. :)

I hope that I don't do to you what everyone else has already done.

On a lighter note, Timmy Ho's seems to be the hip and happenin' place to be. People we knew seemed to just keep pouring in. I saw Megan, Hannah, Brittany B, Kat, Irvil(sp), Jordan, Laura, Import[Leroy], Jay K, and... I think that's it. Iced Cappuccino's... damn. Hadn't had one of those since grade 7 or so. yum yum. Also, talking to Jo about jobs, Moore's is sounding like a sweet job. Of course I'll need to update my resume, hand one in, get an interview, get training, somehow work out a schedule between two jobs, etc. Although I think I'd actually have some fun at this job instead. I mean, suits, dress shirts, ties, etc., what's not to like? Plus I would be working with Jo *yay* which would make working a lot more fun and we'd get to know each other better. What a sweet job it sounds like. 41 cents higher pay [although I don't know if that's what you start at], a smaller more closely-knit atmosphere, and awesome benefits. Most of the people that were atleast fun to work with have all quit along with Jocelyn who I never see anymore :P [and now she's in Germany until the 10th of August.]

Hrm, I'm mostly worried about balancing both jobs and not knowing how the work will be like if I did get that job... I guess I can always try, I mean, the job sounds way better.

Also, Happy 18th to Mike W. We still don't know what we're gonna do for your birthday.

Hrm... I don't know what else to say anymore. I thought I had a lot to say but I guess I can't just get it out. In a ways I'd like to write [type] anything and everything down but I guess there are still things that I'd rather keep to myself.

Ah, great night. I'm at a loss for more to say so I'll end this here. I'm off to read some blogs.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Dude. Moores is the job for you...It'd be formal friday EVERYDAY!...and you could get some good milage outta that $300 Belt!

Wed Jul 07, 02:26:00 PM EDT  

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