Sunday, August 08, 2004

Long time no bloggy

Let's see... I believe it was the fourth that I spent some time with Justin, Vanya, and Christine. We went to Mongolie Grill in Dalhousie, good shit, and then downtown to watch Napolean Dynamite at the Globe Cinema. That movie is funny. After that we drove to Vanya's in Justin's dangerously underinflated iron van where we played some Boggle and Risk. Justin and I allied up and kicked some ass. I also finally got to meet Vanya's mom. lol.

On the fifth, thursday, I went to work and I think that was about it. The sixth was some more work and then to Sarah's after. Dickie brought some Chalet food. mmm mmm. Poor Sarah and her non-solid foods. :(

The seventh, [today... well, 11 minutes ago] was the re-grand opening of Zellers in Market Mall. Got there around seven in the morning for some free breakfast, then at 7:30 I was on the clock getting paid to stand around and listen to some speeches and get pictures taken. We opened the doors at 8 and it was pretty dead at the mall checkouts [mall doesn't open until 10] so it was nice being paid to just talk with each other. There was something like 177 employees working today, some from other stores. It was sweet, so many people working makes an easy job even easier - and funner. All the breaks were scheduled and we even got KFC for lunch. We also got a free Zellers "loot bag" with some candy and sample stuff. Good stuff. I got off at 3 but did a lot of shopping with my family and got home at 6 :P.

Tonight, Jeff, Justin, Evan, Kris, Robyn R., and I went to Bug's for a bit and then to Evan's where we chilled out.

And now I'm home eating cheesies. Perhaps I'll watch some more of Alias Season One on DVD. More good stuff.



Blogger Justin said...

Fuck yeah, Risk is my bitch. Team Asian wins again!

Mon Aug 09, 05:47:00 AM EDT  

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