Sunday, July 25, 2004

Family Outing

Well, before that, last night, Dickie, Vanessa, Megan, and I headed to Jeff's to watch some TV and just chill out. After everyone left Jeff and I had a good 2 AM snack. Bob the Builder and Spongebob Squarepants spaghetti with All Dressed chips and Frank's Hot Sauce. yum. We sorta watched Black Hawk Down and then after, around 5:30 AM I headed home.

Woke up today at 11:30 AM and my family, minus Ian [in Victoria], headed up to COP for my dad's company's family outing. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be and it was worth getting up for. We ate our lunch and then headed up for free mini putting. Fun stuff. My dad beat us all, I came in second, Ryan third and my mom a far last. lol. We headed back too cool off with some drinks, some lemonades, cokes, vodka with lemon. lol. My mom and I made a little use of the free liquor tickets.

It's awesome outside; so warm and sunny. Mini-putting is fun. yep yep.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Gettin wasted with your mom Eh?.....I've done that, With YOUR mom i mean...

haha jk

Tue Jul 27, 05:01:00 AM EDT  

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