Monday, August 23, 2004

The New Butteryorkfly Minute Effect

Second last shift was good. Four quick hours.

Anyway, went to Rogers with Jamie and Jeff to pick out some movies to watch. We grabbed New York Minute and The Butterfly Effect. Jocelyn joined us at Jamie's where we had a shmorgusboard(sp) of snacks. Candy Trail Mix, popcorn, chips, pizza pops. We decided to watch The Butterfly Effect first and then end the night with the humourous Olsen sisters.

The Butterfly Effect was pretty good. Quite the unique movie I must say. I'd suggest it to others to see [so go see it]. New York Minute was a good laugh. Sure it's obviously a not an "A" movie but it's enjoyable. lol I was disappointed not seeing my mom or my grandmother which were extras in the parts that were filmed in Toronto. The scenes most likely got cut or I just didn't see them. Oh well. [My grandfather is in The Corruptor. woot. He's the guy in the middle of the scene playing mah jong when they enter the mah jong parlor thingy.]

It was nice to spend some time with "the girls" although we were missing Caitlin... Cleaning your room can wait, you've got lots of time ;). Hugs to Jocelyn. :(

Ha. Random thought, everyone's name started with a "J" but mine. Jamie, Jocelyn, Jeff... Eric... lol. I'm so lame.

Anyway, last day of work tomorrow [well, in 5 and a half hours]. Night.


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