Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Bluh, dead tired. up 20.5 hours on 4 hours of sleep. Not terribly bad but I have no idea what time I'm supposed to get up to go camping tomorrow. Shrug.

Anyway, quick post. Today went to work for last shift. Good stuff. Went to dinner with JoAnne at Joey's Only where Justin was "working". Met Jamie and Jocelyn at Chapters and headed to Schanks to say hello to Darti where we also met many other fellow friends. Went to Jamie's after with Jeff and met Caitlin there. Jamie and Joc did a little "recovery drinking" while Jeff, Caitlin and I stayed sober for we have early-ish plans. Yep, watched some old Belvedere Lip-Syncs and part of the Greece trip video from grade... nine? [I didn't get to go. >:( ]

Anyway, post later after camping. [Back on 26th.]

Until then. Or maybe tomorrow...

EDIT: Oh right, check this out More fun pictures from the Woo


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