Friday, September 03, 2004

Guy's night

15.5 hours.

Yesterday was a day full of nothing, for the most part. I woke up later than I wanted to missing out on a few hours of a day I could have potentially done something. Didn't miss anything though.

I backed up all the things I wanted to keep on my laptop before it was to be cleaned off, put a few shirts and small tidbits into a suitcase, and then ate some lunch. Some spaghetti, it was okay. I talked to my brother for a bit and when he left my room I didn't feel like getting up so I did what I do a lot - nap. Hrm. Interesting. I just thought about it and that will be the last nap I have in my bed for a long time.

Anyway, after some more moping around my room, I decided to go to Swiss Chalet with Dickie and Jeff. We headed back to Jeff's place and he drilled me a .308 keychain [I'll post a pic sometime] because .308 is at the moment my favourite, mostly because of the Blaser .308 sniper rifle. [I'll post a pic of my target sometime too].

We headed to my place to watch Equilibrium [again for me and Jeff] and then I dropped them off at home. I guess that was Dan and I's farewell since I have no idea what's going to happen today or who I'm going to see.

I just want to see Sarah before I head back home and then way away from here a few hours after.

You mean so much to me and I just can't seem to show it...


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