Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Familiar Faces

I've noticed a funny thing that's happened while around campus. Every once in awhile I see someone that reminds me of someone in Calgary. I may not have known the person they look like, or known them well, but at some times I see someone and they look like someone else. I think about it and the first thing I think is my mind is just playing tricks on me but sometimes these people have an uncanny resemblance to that other person.

Anyway, had my second day of classes, the schedule basically alternates every other day with a little variation in Tutorials and Labs. First class Tuesdays and Thursdays are at 8:30 AM. Lordy those are early, but today there was a free pancake breakfast, not nearly as good as Calgary's Stampede breakfasts. ;) Oh well, it was free.

So far the only class I don't like is Calculus. I just can't remember all of that stuff anymore and I finished Math 31 in high school thinking I didn't need it in University. Turns out I did [I knew this awhile ago.] so I'm glad I'm not learning it for the very first time.

I'm so tired, I always say I'll go to bed earlier [and I mean bloody early, like 10PM] but I end up staying up and chilling with people. Afterall, it's the first week and it's not very hard yet, when am I going to have time to spend with my housemates?

Also I need to organize all my crap. My room is a mess and I don't have binders to put stuff in. I was thinking of buying a bunch of clipboards or something seeing as I never really need to bring everything to classes.

Anyway, I'm going to find something to do, productive or not. ;)

PS. I finally changed the poll on the side, and all my post times are in Ontario time [two hours ahead of Calgary].


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