Sunday, November 14, 2004

Addicts of Communication

So I was checking to see how many hits this blog still gets to see if anyone really looks at this, so far it's a slow, but steady decline. I'm sure many factors come into play such as people don't care anymore, people are too busy, people forgot, I don't post as much anymore, etc. [That last one's obviously my fault.]

Anyway, the program that checks how many people visit sometimes tells me the different cities people have dropped by from. It made me think about all the people that moved from Calgary to other places. When I thought about it, I know people in, Calgary [obviously], Fredericton, Victoria, Truro [Nova Scotia], Edmonton, Kingston, San Diego, Guelph, Norway... yeah that's all that comes to mind. I'm going somewhere with this...

First semester of university is almost over and most people will be heading back to Calgary. Without High School to bring us all together, I wonder how many people will actually hang out or talk with each other. Sometimes I think about all the people I knew that I used to talk with in school, on MSN, however often or rarely and no matter how good I was a friend to them, or them to I. I look at my MSN list and I notice a lot of people that I haven't talked to since I left Calgary, and a lot more that I haven't talked to since the last day of exams. Some, probably all, were an influence on my life - some more than others.

I know that since school started, I've neglected talking to a lot, if not most [or all] of the people on my MSN list. Perhaps I haven't due to lack of time because of school or activities in rez - I'd like to think it was only that...

It's easy to say hello, perhaps chat for a little while, and even if there isn't enough time, just make it quick. A few people have done so that I wasn't there to catch but I just haven't ever replied. Perhaps it's the thought that I really don't know what to say. No matter who I'm talking to I can't seem to form words. They can be someone I barely know to someone I would normally spill my heart to, it just doesn't happen.

I know there are a few that still regulary check this site out, and hopefully some of the people I once knew have or will sometime so here's a hello to Fredericton, Victoria, Truro, Edmonton, Kingston, San Diego, Guelph, Norway, and of course, Calgary.

I don't want to go home with less to say than when I left.

Two quotes this time to ponder upon.

The friendship that can cease has never been real.
- Saint Jerome (374 AD - 419 AD), Letter

Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.
- George Washington (1732 - 1799)


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