Monday, December 27, 2004

Ah, good ol' OC.

Once again, woke up at 4:00 on the dot again. Played some video games and then headed over to Jamie's place with Jocelyn and watched the first disc of The O.C. I finally got to watch the first three episodes I missed when I first started watching the show [although the rest of my family thought I was strange... and also it seemed I was the only guy that watched the show at the time lol]. We stopped after episode four which I had seen the first time around but are still awesome to watch again. Even so, I've only seen four to eight? [The one in Tijuana] so there's a good amount of episodes to see still. Perhaps I shall buy the season at the DVD sales on Campus seeing as they're really cheap there, or I could use my gift card... stupid snow. I don't feel like driving in this weather, I don't trust my abilities driving the lead sled in this weather. Perhaps when the roads are cleared up, but even so, unlike in Ontario, we have plug-in's in our parking lots for a reason.



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