Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Beginning of the End

Last of all lectures ended Monday and 23 hour Quiet Hours are now in effect in all residences. The University of Waterloo appears to have been abandoned, but really it's the 11 000 or so first year undergraduates studying as hard as they can to make up for the semester they didn't expect to be thrown at so hard. I seem to be in a popular boat, atleast amongst others in my program. Many had the dream of becoming an Optometrist but their first term marks have put them off. I haven't met many that have stuck to their goal yet. I believe however that I may have a step up. My marks might not be as comparable to others, but I have the determination.

For about two years I've had the goal of becoming an Optometrist. Something inside me just clicked to that profession. For one the eyes are amazing. Eyes can make a person, not only physically, but mentally. The eyes allow one to see the world in which they live in. How they decide to perceive their visions are what makes up part of who they are. To deprive someone of sight is to deprive someone of so much. I believe that the greatest gift would be sight... of course, that's based on it also being the worst to have have taken away.

Vision is taken for granted. I am grateful for having vision, it's slightly impaired [nearsightedness], but I can still see. Sometimes I take my glasses off and look at the world around me. Immediatley the world has lost it's clarity. I could not imagine the day I open my eyes and see nothing from then on.

I want to be able to preserve sight in those that are granted with it. I've run across, or overheard, so many other students in the Pre-Optometry/Pre-Health [or as it is now being called, Biomedical Sciences] program that have given up on their original plan to apply to Optometry. I will apply in the minimum two years. If I don't make it, I'll apply in third year. If I don't make it then I'll have a degree in Life Sciences and apply once more. I'll apply to the States if I have to.

I am truly lucky to have a father that invested in our [my brothers and I] education so that we could go through post-secondary without the worries of having enough money. I have met so many people that are paying everything out of their own pockets. I hope that when I am done that I can somehow repay what luxury of an education I have been given and also be able to do the same for my kids when I'm older.

"Greatness lies not only in what we achieve, but in the determination to achieve what we believe is greatness."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can do it eric! i know that you have the determination to become what you want so don't be afraid to make a mistake now and then cause you'll learn from them! i know its hard to realize that sometimes failing a class has to happen! believe me, i'm still trying to get over that! but it's not the end of the world.. life wil go on and you'll be better for it in the future! go be the best god damn optometrist the world has ever known! lol cause i know you will

~ps baby pop noise is getting me through these exam weeks right now! thank you!

Tue Dec 07, 03:37:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can do it eric!!! i have 100% faith that you can!! :) We are always here if you need anything! :D

Tue Dec 07, 04:09:00 PM EST  

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