Sunday, December 05, 2004

"He's as blind as he can be/just sees what he wants to see"

Fucking Calculus. I have an assignment due on the very last day of class, Monday. These damned assignments take up so much time that it pushes everything else out of the way. I would have imagined that spending so much time on one subject would result in a better mark. I calculated my averages to see what I need to get on the finals in order to have a decent mark, turns out Calculus is at a fabulous 59.76%. Better news for the other classes though, sort of. I included almost everything that is possibly graded in my lectures and some marks went up, some down. I think I'm passingmy major at the moment... let's just say that.

Anyway, on the 14th weekend away from home I can sit here in this box of a home with my thoughts.

"Optimism puts things in a higher perspective. You live and breathe off the hope of something spectacular. When reality kicks you in the back you just have farther to fall. So why does pessimism have a bad reputation? I would rather trip over my feet than be pushed off a building."


Blogger Gumbi said...

I heart u

Sun Dec 05, 06:34:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Optimism, Pessimism. You've just got to have a balance of both.

Or be a "realist" like me. Which seems like alot of pessimism, but theres bits optimism where it counts.

Mon Dec 06, 04:04:00 AM EST  

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