Monday, November 22, 2004

Happy Birthday!... in six months.

Haha. So today was my "Half Birthday" where I suppose it is six months until my 19th birthday. As many of you know, or may not know, to be "legal" in Ontario, you must be the humble age of 19 years. In Alberta, it is 18 [booyakasha!]. I had this dream of becoming legal twice but as I learned, the year is over April 22nd and I don't have any intentions of sticking around for another month just to celebrate my turning of age in a different province.

Anyway, to the point, a bunch of my friends in the house created a "half" card and gave me some half gifts [half a bag of M&Ms, half a Coke and Nestea, half a Mars bar, half a happy birthday plate. :D]. It was sweet [no pun intended.] It was a nice gesture. I liked.

Back to this freakin' work. :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your welcome eric.

P.S. I like half birthdays cause i like to eat the other half of your present. it was so good. it was kinda like my half birthday. but not.

P.S. humble is not hymble

Mon Nov 22, 02:48:00 AM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

Ouch. Looks like we've got a spelling Nazi in the house.

I caught that one, but decided to let it pass, cuz you know, I'm a nice guy.

I've never heard of half birthday's before.

Wed Nov 24, 12:57:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Half Birthdays are awesome. (I can't believe that you haven't heard about them!! It's the new craze. Better jump on that wagon now.)

I'm glad that you had a happy 1/2 b-day Eric!


Wed Nov 24, 03:42:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, im glad you liked the card! :) it was fun to make! and to cut all the stuff in half... :P Katie and I (and yam...he ate half of it) had SOO much fun planning it all! Hope you enjoyed it!

From: Your house friend ... AKA Syd

Wed Nov 24, 03:49:00 PM EST  

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